Hello Blog Readers,
I know it's been some time and do feel a bit guilty for not having shared some updates from the new garden, which by the way isn't growing anywhere near as well as when we had the greenroom in the loft, oh well. I'm still enjoying the the house and the work that we put into creating the space to grow food, as well as our passion for healthy food choices and lifestyle.

On another note I've been reading some food blogs and landed on one in particular that I'm really impressed with by Angela & Matt Monarch from "The Raw Food World" who both live a100% Raw Vegan life and have so for years. They are a very sweet couple, and I've enjoyed watching their You Tube Videos learning more about raw food, detoxifying and their life in beautiful country somewhere in Ecuador I think, still not sure but it is beautiful.

While amusing myself watching their videos I found one on Detoxing/Enemas that I really liked.
If you plan on doing this at home I suggest talking with a professional which I am not :)
I watched this video below which helped me understand the water bottle.
I think that's all for now. I've been super busy but I hope to make it back here again soon and share a little more on Growing Within.