
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Tomatoes, Raw Recipes, Enemas

Hello Blog Readers, 
I know it's been some time and do feel a bit guilty for not having shared some updates from the new garden, which by the way isn't growing anywhere near as well as when we had the greenroom in the loft, oh well. I'm still enjoying the the house and the work that we put into creating the space to grow food, as well as our passion for healthy food choices and lifestyle. 
It's already June and tomatoes are abundant everywhere. Even here thanks to special friends Courtney & Landon who shared their beautiful heirloom tomatoes with us. I took this photo earlier today just before slicing into it. It is so delicious, I'll have to make the drive to Pine Mountain from Atlanta for more. 

On another note I've been reading some food blogs and landed on one in particular that I'm really impressed with by Angela & Matt Monarch from "The Raw Food World" who both live a100% Raw Vegan life and have so for years. They are a very sweet couple, and I've enjoyed watching their You Tube Videos learning more about raw food, detoxifying and their life in beautiful country somewhere in Ecuador I think, still not sure but it is beautiful.   

Angela has a nice treat which is an e-book cookbook of raw recipes which I downloaded today and immediately found things that looked good to me, so I thought I'd share. You can find her e-book by clicking on the link below.                                                                The Profoundly Raw Recipes eBook                 This FREE ebook contains a collection of over 35 fabulous raw recipes, contributed by 12 well-known raw food chefs.

While amusing myself watching their videos I found one on Detoxing/Enemas that I really liked. 
For example, in the past I've gone to the health food store and purchased a 2 week or whatever detox cleansing kit that did nothing. Have you? Since watching a few videos and doing my own research,  I've purchased a water bottle kit so I can perform routine enemas at home. It is simple enough and the health benefits outweighed any hesitation I had. Today is day #2 and I'm feeling good. I'm using purified water only. No organic coffee for me. I might try chamomile tea in the future but for now just water. 

If you plan on doing this at home I suggest talking with a professional which I am not :) 
I watched this video below which helped me understand the water bottle.  

I think that's all for now. I've been super busy but I hope to make it back here again soon and share a little more on Growing Within. 

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Soul Insights 4 Soul Led Living: The "Shift" Smoothie- Good for your Body & Mind

You know how much I enjoy my green juice and juicing in general. Well, through a series of personal steps the universe and I connected with Michele Meiche who's recipe this is. Thanks Michele, Enjoy!  

Soul Insights 4 Soul Led Living: The "Shift" Smoothie- Good for your Body & Mind

The "Shift" Smoothie- Good for your Body & Mind

I am so loving this smoothie for the "Shift" ....

This smoothie is filled with nourishing delights... chock full of Blueberries and rich with Chlorella, Spirulina and a protein powder that feeds body & mind.

It is really important during this time of Ascension and Shifting that we consistently eat foods that nourish and  feed the brain, nervous system and bolster our immune system.

I am listing here the general ingredients for this smoothie.  I suggest that you individualize for yourself... keep out what you don't like & add what you do :)

Blueberry Shift Smoothie:
Start with a base of alkaline water and a couple of splashes of juice, such as orange juice 
1-2 scoops of high quality protein powder
1-2 tablespoons of Spirulina
1 -2 tablespoons of  Chlorella 
3-5 drops of Cell Food
3-4 drops of Liquid Minerals
Dash of Cinnamon
1 Banana
1 tablespoon of  Cod Liver/Omega 3 Oil and/or Coconut Oil
 1 - 2  Tablespoons of Blueberries