I had to add kale to this list below of an article I found today. We've been doing this experiment with the stem of the kale I posted a few weeks ago.
After using the long leaves I place the 8" long stem into a mason jar with some water out on the porch. When it began growing leaves I pulled those and ate them and planted the stem into a bed that gets about 2hrs of sun/day. Today I went down and took this photo.
The article below reveals 4 other examples for you to try but I'm sure there are more. Enjoy!
Written by Lacy Boggs Renner |
You recycle your bottles and newspapers, you upcycle thrift store finds into decor treasures, and you reuse all your plastic bags. But do you upcycle your food scraps? We're not talking compost here, we're talking re-growing food from scraps you might have tossed.
Turns out, several odds and ends you might have tossed can be re-grown into more food!
When your recipe only calls for the green part of the
scallions, don't toss the white end with the roots. Stick it in a
glass jar with a little water and
the greens will grow back. You can just snip off what you need as you go. This also works with
This delicious, aromatic herb is really just a grass and
will grow well in a pot in a sunny spot. Take the root ends (after you've used the rest in a recipe) and put in a jar of water in a sunny spot. After a week or so, you'll start to see roots appearing. Once the roots look healthy, transplant your lemongrass to a pot and let it grow. You can start harvesting when the stalks get to be a foot or more tall.
The next time you're chopping a bunch of
celery, save the root end! Place it in a shallow bowl of water, and after a few days, you should start to see roots and new leaves appear. As soon as you see these, you can
plant the celery—leaving the leaves just above the soil. The plant will continue to grow, and soon you'll have a whole new head of celery!
Did you know that
ginger makes a beautiful (and useful) houseplant? If you've got a piece of fresh ginger going spare in your fridge, you can
plant it in potting soil. Ginger is a root, and before long, you'll notice a lovely plant sprouting from it. Once the plant is big enough, you can actually pull it up, whack off a piece of the root, and replant it whenever you need fresh ginger—or just enjoy your culinary houseplant.