We started this project to become more conscious about healthy urban living, where our food was coming from, how it was grown, and how we could reduce our carbon footprint by not relying on supermarkets, while supporting local farmers markets. In 2011 we learned a lot about indoor gardening from within a loft in downtown Atlanta, GA. Since then we’ve moved to a house and although we have new obstacles ahead we are still Growing Within.
Monday, February 27, 2012
Wine & Cheese & Pizza
Friday, February 17, 2012
Olive & Basil Baguettes
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Back to the start, Chipolte Cultivate Foundation
Friday, February 10, 2012
Take Action for Animals | Certifedhumane.org
"The Certified Humane Program created a gold standard for animal welfare."
-USA Today
The Certified Humane Raised and Handled® program is a certification and labeling program that is the only animal welfare label requiring the humane treatment of farm animals from birth through slaughter. The goal of the program is to improve the lives of farm animals by driving consumer demand for kinder and more responsible farm animal practices. When you see the Certified Humane Raised and Handled® label on a product you can be assured that the food products have come from facilities that meet precise, objective standards for farm animal treatment.
1. Look for and buy Certified Humane® products - to find Certified Humane® products available near you, visit our "Where to Buy"section.
2. If your store does not stock foods that are Certified Humane®, download a "product request" form to give to your local store manager. We also have a "turkey request" form to download (if you are unable to download, please contact Humane Farm Animal Care to have these mailed to you).
3. If your store does carry Certified Humane® products, let them know you shop there because they stock these products. Download a Certified Humane Comment Card and bring it to the customer service desk or drop it in their customer comment box. Grocers need to hear that they have business because they carry Certified Humane® products, and that you as a consumer may bring them more business because of these products.
4.Have your family and friends sign a petition asking your local supermarket to stock products that are Certified Humane®. Download a petition form here.
5. Contact Humane Farm Animal Care and request an information packet that includes brochures about the Certified Humane® program. Distribute these to your family and friends telling them about the program, so they too, can look for and buy products with the Certified Humane® label on them.
6. Encourage your favorite food brands to become certified and to use Certified Humane Raised and Handled® ingredients in their products. You can contact them by using the website addresses on the packages of products that you purchase.
7. Sign up for our email news updates – stay updated on our progress.
8. Make a donation: Help us reach more farmers, more consumers, and help more animals.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Why not to store food in frridge
Today I found a very interesting article on treehugger.com called
Saving Food From The Fridge: It Will Taste Better, May Even Last Longer And Reduce Your Energy Bills
Design / Kitchen Design
January 27, 2012
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Biodynamic Winemaking

Check out these vineyards here in the US that have been practicing biodynamics for some time now.
Araujo Estate
Resonance Vineyards
Grgich Hills
Beckmen Vineyards
DeLoch Vineyards